Athlete Nutrition Coaching

Transform Your Athletic Potential with Fortitude 365 Nutrition

Are You Ready to Level Up Your Nutrition?

As an athlete, you understand that performance excellence isn't just about how hard you train, but also about how well you fuel your body. We specialize in nutrition coaching and creating custom nutrition strategies that align with your training, recovery, and competition schedule. 

        Nutrition & Sport Psychology

        Nutrition and mental performance are intricately linked, impacting your performance, recovery, and overall mental well-being. The foundational premise is adequate nutritional habits enhances physical health/performance, which, in turn, mental performance and well-being by improving mood, cognitive function, and stress resilience. 

        Nutrition Influencing Psychological Well-being

        Proper nutrition is crucial for optimal brain function and cognitive processing (thinking the game) such as concentration and decision-making, which are vital components of athletic performance. A well-nurtured body is more prepared to cope with the mental demands of competition, including stress and pressure. This relationship underscores the importance of integrating nutritional strategies within a sports psychology framework to support the quest for performance excellence.

        Psychology Influencing Nutritional Choices

        Conversely, psychological factors significantly influence an athlete's food choices and nutritional habits. Including nutritional coaching with your mental coaching plays a critical role in your development. Address psychological barriers to proper nutrition, such as stress eating or inadequate fuelling due to pre-competition nerves, by implementing strategies aimed at improving an your relationship with food. This interaction showcases the bidirectionality of nutrition and psychology, where each can be leveraged to support and enhance the other.

        Integrated Approach for Peak Performance

        The integration of nutrition and sport psychology within athletic development is essential. Recognizing the synergy between the body’s physical needs and psychological resilience has led to a holistic approach to athlete training, development, and well-being. Programs that simultaneously address nutritional and psychological needs can lead to superior outcomes in terms of performance, recovery, and overall health.

        Our Services & Programs

        Level 1 Nutrition Program - Foundations

        • Six (6) week program including three (3) 1-1 coaching sessions.
        • Learn about healthy habits, habit building, meal planning basics, smart snacking, mindful eating, balanced meals, and more!

          Program designed for athletes to learn the foundational habits of nutrition for performance. 

          Level 2 Nutrition Program - Assessment

          • Six (6) week program including three (3) 1-1 coaching sessions. 
          • Building upon level 1, learn about energy balance, reading food labels, meal planning, timing of meals, how to grocery shop and more! 

          Program designed for athletes to assess their nutrition and determine and individualize their sport specific caloric needs. 

          Level 3 Nutrition Program - Optimization

          • Three (3) week program including three (3) 1-1 coaching sessions.
          • Building upon level 1 & 2, learn about nutrition strategies for peak performance, targeted nutrition, travel considerations, and more!

          Program designed for athletes to optimize their nutrition for specific nutrition strategies and peak performance!

          20 Minute Intro Session

          • The purpose of the initial consultation is for you to learn a bit more about Fortitude's services and to determine if it is a fit for you the client.

          Nutrition Program Bundle

          • Want to complete all three levels of our athletic nutrition program series - Bundle them together to maximize your nutrition and save. 

          Why Choose Fortitude 365:

          Proven Results           Flexible Delivery           Holistic Approach           Certified Expert Coaching

          • We have helped 100's of athletes return from injury stronger mentally than before.
          • Whether you prefer in-person sessions, virtual coaching, or a hybrid approach, we’ve got you covered.
          • Our team of certified professionals brings years of experience and a passion for helping you thrive.

          Let us help you with your nutrition

          F365 is a leading sports performance consultancy dedicated to helping athletes achieve their full potential. With years of experience and a track record of success, we are committed to supporting you in your quest for performance excellence!